It all started ….

as just a thought, a long term goal really. We knew we wanted to do more for ourselves, our family, and our community but so much held us back. Sharing our talent with the world was always a dream of ours but the dream would continuously fade because even the thought of leaving our comfort zone was just way too scary. After 5 challenging yet beautiful years we decided to take a leap of Faith. God allowed us to see the bigger picture and use our talents to serve others and bring Glory to his name. We chose this industry because it chose us first. Nothing defines us better than skilled individuals using creative art to evoke feelings of love, hope, and happiness to tell a story; your story. 


His beard makes a statement but his heart is what stands out the most. He is quiet with a bold sense of humor, wise but an inner child, talented and a master of his craft. His eye, passion, and unique style of storytelling are translated through each clip. When not working, Sam enjoys working on his music, watching football (Go Broncos), and planning the next adventure with his wife and kids. 


Her smile is big and her words bring delight. She is small but fearless, fun but means business, a mom who wishes to be more like Marie Kondo. She strives for absolute perfection. Her mind and structure are the glue that keep her tribe and business together. When not emailing, Gaby enjoys organizing, singing loudly, and being a wife and mother to the most incredible beings on earth.

Torres Tribe | Family

Samuel and Gabriela plus our 4 little blessings.
We are a family built on God’s word. We find no better purpose than to honor God in all we do. We enjoy music, gathering with friends and family, serving others, and lots of family movie nights.